How to Delete the Gaia Online Account?

By Abinash | Updated On June 29, 2022 

Are you tired of the Gaia Online account and want to delete it? Well, this article will guide you to delete the Gaia Online account. Continue to read this article until the end.

Gaia Online is an anime-themed social networking and forums-based website that has Chibi-style animations. It started off as an anime link list and eventually turned the website moved toward social gaming and became a forum. Users are allowed to customize their anime avatar based on skin tone, eye style, color, hairstyle, gender, race (zombies, human, vampire, etc.), and attire. They can purchase clothing items and accessories for avatars from NPC-run stores by using site currencies, i.e., Gaia Platinum and Gaia Cash. The forum lets users post and communicates with other users. Forum is mainly used for general discussion, news, announcements, general entertainment, etc.

delete the Gaia Online account

However, you might want to delete your account at some point and you may have several reasons for that. You may be tired of using the account or want to switch to other alternatives or want to take a break. If you feel so, then you can remove your Gaia Online account.

Why should you consider deleting the Gaia Online account?

The main reason for you to delete your Gaia Online account is, that they do not delete our information. Even if you close your account, they have your personal data like ID, and password, which they call for a record-keeping purpose. However, you can request them to delete all your data associated with your account.

How to delete the Gaia Online account?

There is only one method to delete the Gaia Online account, i.e., to contact the support department and request them through a support ticket. You can manually delete your data before requesting them to delete your account. Follow these steps to delete the Gaia Online account.

  1. Log into your Gaia Online account and click on My Gaia.
  2. Then, select Notifications from the dropdown list under Account and check the box next to Global Opt-Out.
  3. Select Details from the Account and remove all your personal information. Tap on Save All Changes button.
  4. Now, go to the Submit a Ticket section after you remove your information.
  5. Choose General Account Inquiry under Subject and Account Status from Topics.
  6. Select Delete My Account from the Sub Topics and type your Gaia Online username in Which Account was Affected? section.
  7. Then, you can select a reason for deleting your account and enter details in the available space.
  8. Click on the Finish button and submit the ticket to the support team.

Note: You’ll receive an automated email from the Gaia Online support team to confirm your ticket submission. Your account will be deleted after seven working days and you will receive a response to that.

How to cancel Gaia Online Membership?

Before you delete your Gaia Online account, cancel your membership so that you won’t be charged and get any emails from them. However, you’ll have access to your account till the end of your paid membership plan period. Follow these simple steps to cancel the membership.

  1. Log into your Gaia Online account.
  2. Tap on your avatar from the top-right corner and select My Account.
  3. Then, tap on Cancel Membership.
  4. They’ll offer you to stay for another month for free, if you accept it, they’ll charge you in the following month. If you do not want that, click on x and continue to cancel your account.
  5. Follow the prompts till you receive a confirmation about your account cancellation.

Thus, refer to the above simple steps to delete the Gaia Online account through the support ticket and cancel your membership for that account. We hope this article has helped you so far.

Abinash writes mostly on tech content.