How to Delete UPS Account?

By Abinash | Updated On January 23, 2023 

UPS is one of the largest package delivery companies. However, if you are not satisfied with UPS and want to shift towards alternatives like DHL, FedEx, or others, you might want to close your account. Here’s how to delete your UPS account.  

What happens when you close your UPS account?

  • Your profile will be deleted, including all your information, such as contacts, addresses, payment options, and shipping preferences. 
  • Your transaction records won’t be erased from UPS. 
how to delete your UPS account
UPS account

How to delete your UPS account?

If you choose the alternatives like DHL or FedEx, you might want to delete your UPS account. Your account will be deleted permanently. There are two ways to close your account:

  • Delete your account through email.
  • Delete your account through the website.


How to delete your UPS account through email?

You can remove your UPS account by sending an email to the respective company and requesting them to erase your account from the database. Follow these steps to close your UPS account by email:

  1. Open your registered account, and click on Compose.compose email
  2. Compose an email to
  3. On the subject, type “REQUEST TO DELETE MY ACCOUNT.”
  4. Now, write an email to the company requesting them to remove your UPS account from their database and click on “Send.”

Here is a video on how to delete your UPS account.

How to delete my UPS account through their website?

Follow these steps to close your UPS account through their website:

  1. Go to and log in to your account.
    Sign in to UPS
  2. Click on your profile at the top right corner.
    Click on your profile
  3. Choose My Information from the menu.
    Choose My Information
  4. Click on the Delete My Profile option on the right.
    Click Delete my profile
  5. A prompt will appear, click Yes.
    Choose Yes
  6. Now, click on Yes, Cancel Registration to finish.
    Click yes, cancel registration 

Want to delete your Neopets account? Check out our article here

Abinash writes mostly on tech content.

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