How to Delete VK Account?

By Abinash | Updated On January 23, 2023 

VK (Vkontakte) is an immensely popular social media in Russia and is known as Russia’s Facebook. However, there might be only a few numbers of people living outside Russia who barely know about VK and use it. If you are one of them and created an account just to find out later that, it’s better to delete your account; we’ve got your back. Here we will guide you to delete your VK account on all platforms, including PC, Android, and iOS. 

Important: Once you delete your VK account, your account will be permanently deleted after 210 days. 

How to permanently delete your VK account from the desktop website?

Are you tired of your VK account? You can quickly delete your account permanently. After deleting your account, your saved data will be stored in the VK servers for a year.

Follow these steps to close the VK account permanently on your computer:

  1. Go to and log in to your account.
    Sign in to VK
  2. Click on your profile in the upper right corner.
    Click on your profile
  3. Choose Settings from the dropdown menu.
    Choose Settings
  4. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the “here” link next to “You can delete your account”
    Click on the here link
  5. Select a reason for closing your account and click Delete account.
    Click Delete Account

How to delete your VK account on Android, iPhone, or iPad?

If you’re trying to delete your account from your mobile apps, then follow this method.

  1. Go to and sign in to your account.
    Log in to VK
  2. Tap on the ≡ icon at the bottom right corner.
    Tap on the menu icon
  3. Tap on the ⚙️ icon at the top right corner of the page.
    Tap on Settings
  4. Now, tap on Account.
    Select Account
  5. Scroll down to the bottom and click on the “here” link. It’s next to the “You can delete your account” text.
    Click on the link
  6. Select a reason for leaving VK and click on Delete Profile.
    Click Delete Profile

Your data is stored in the server for at least six months. If your life without VK is not worth living, then you can sign in to your account with the same username and password and click on Restore. Your VK account is activated again.

Want to delete your Snapchat account? Check out our article, here.

What happens when you delete your VK account?

When you delete your VK account:

  • All your data won’t be erased until at least six months of your account deletion as per VK’s policies. 
  • Your likes and comments won’t be removed.
  • Your name will still be visible on lists of friends and community members. 


Abinash writes mostly on tech content.

2 thoughts on “How to Delete VK Account?”

  1. is so difficult . problems in the page or what , because have to be 3 steps , setting , account and delete and bye one hour and a half , i push mi account nothing, i push setting nothing , where is my profile? mysterious


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